Measure your anxiety level with the GAD-7 form

Hi, by answering just seven simple questions, you can find out your anxiety level. This test was developed by Dr. Spitzer and colleagues.

Measure your anxiety level with the GAD-7 form
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In the last 34 days, how often have you been affected by the following?: Feelings of nervousness, anxiety or anguish

In the last 34 days, how often have you been affected by the following?: Inability to stop or control anxiety

In the last 34 days, how often have you been affected by the following?: Worrying about too many different things

In the last 34 days, how often have you been affected by the following?: Restless or fidgety

In the last 34 days, how often have you been affected by the following?: Being so restless that it's hard to sit still

In the last 34 days, how often have you been affected by the following?: Become easily irritated or irritable

In the last 34 days, how often have you been affected by the following?: Feeling of fear, as if something horrible might happen